Announcing the opening of the online memorial “Aparecidos”

October 6, 2019

It’s here! is finally a reality. I will be loading images and content over the next several months but please feel free to search the site as it occurs. Also, I will be continuing posts on the blog, similar to what you have read on the social media site for Aparecidos. I am very excited about this and grateful to the developers, Sarah and Mitch who have done such a fantastic job.

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About Brian Carlson

Brian Carlson is a human rights artist/activist born in the USA. The "Aparedidos" memorial for the victims of state terrorism in Latin America was begun 1 January, 2012. Since that time Mr. Carlson has been painting and exhibiting portraits of the disappeared or assassinated by acts of state terrorism. The memorial is ongoing and Mr. Carlson welcomes submissions of photos of victims from any time period, and any country, asking that the sender provide the full name, the best image they can access, the place of birth as well as any other pertinent information they may have. Please be accurate. Memoria! Justicia! y Verdad!